Sep 6, 2021

Asphalt is a material that can last up to 25 years, but it doesn’t maintain itself. You need to maintain your asphalt for it to stay in good condition and avoid costly repairs down the road. You need to know about a few different types of asphalt maintenance techniques if you want to keep your asphalt in tip-top shape. Read on for more information about three different types of asphalt maintenance.

Preventive Maintenance

Preventive asphalt maintenance is done all year round to prevent asphalt damage. It is one of the most critical types of asphalt care you can give your driveway or parking lot. Preventive maintenance is done when the surface is relatively new. Through preventative maintenance, you can avoid extensive and costly repairs. Preventive maintenance is a cost-effective way of maintaining your asphalt; it includes:

  • Regular Sweeping: You should sweep your driveway regularly to remove dirt, leaves, twigs, or anything else from accumulating on the surface of the asphalt. This will help prevent any buildup of dirt which can harm the asphalt.
  • Crack Sealing: One of the main types of preventive asphalt maintenance includes crack sealing, which can prevent water and moisture from seeping through cracks into the asphalt surface and leading to further asphalt deterioration.
  • Sealcoating: Your asphalt should be sealcoated every two to three years with a sealant by applying it with a spray gun or roller to the surface using sweeping motions, ensuring all sections are covered evenly. The sealant will protect against oil stains, acid rain, UV rays, and more to extend the life of your asphalt surface.

Corrective Maintenance

If you have identified that a particular section of the asphalt on your property needs repair, then corrective asphalt maintenance is needed ASAP. This can include overlays, patching, or fixing extensive cracks or minor potholes that have emerged on the surface.

Corrective asphalt repair also includes breaking up and removing asphalt in preparation for new asphalt installation or resurfacing of the area in order to restore it to its original state. This type of corrective asphalt maintenance can include milling, where the top few inches are removed from your existing asphalt driveway.

Note: Corrective maintenance is usually more costly than preventive maintenance, so its always best to opt for preventive maintenance!

Emergency Maintenance

Emergency asphalt maintenance is also known as temporary asphalt repair because it’s done urgently out of necessity. The asphalt will not be held together by the temporary asphalt patch for long before more permanent asphalt patches are required to keep your parking lot or driveway smooth and safe for drivers.

Powersurge offers all of the asphalt maintenance services you need to keep your asphalt looking good as new and save you money in the long run. In addition to regular pavement maintenance services like sealing cracks and patching holes, we also offer sealcoating services in Bucks & Montgomery Counties, PA.

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