Apr 27, 2021

Line striping and pavement markings are an essential feature for a commercial parking lot as it improves the functionality of your lot and enhances safety. Parking lot striping adds color and design to the pavement, thereby increasing its aesthetic appeal.

Parking lot painting with clear lines and pavement markings is an addition required by the law. ADA guidelines require you to have clear and specific striping to highlight accessibility areas, and noncompliance can land you hefty fines. On top of that, if any accidents or injuries are caused on your commercial property due to your negligence (if the paint has worn off or is not visible and you did not get restriping done), the parties involved in the accident can sue you.

How to Prepare Your Parking Lot for Line Striping

Inspection and Repair

Before starting any paving project, the first step is to inspect the lot to know its condition. Before restriping, you need to carry out all repairs to have a smooth and even surface to paint on. Secondly, taking on repair projects afterward would affect your surface, including the line striping, which means you will have to get restriping done. Thus, to avoid line striping twice, you should carry out all urgent repairs. While some pavement distresses are prominent, others are only identifiable to an expert, so getting an expert’s opinion from a company like PowerSurge Plus LLC in Levittown, PA, will save you money later on.

Alternate Parking

It is best to inform your customers and employees about the project and its duration before beginning, or designate alternate parking on your commercial property. If you fail to do so, it could negatively affect the experience of anyone visiting your property, resulting in them getting the wrong impression of your business.


For a durable and smooth coat, your surface needs to be completely clean. If you have a regular pavement maintenance regime, you can probably get away with a simple sweep to remove the dust and debris. Otherwise, you will have to get it washed. Also, get proper stain removal if there are any traces of vehicular fluid or any other spills and stains.

Moisture Removal

Moisture can increase the paint’s drying and curing time, resulting in unnecessary inconvenience and delays in your line striping process. Also, water can hinder some types of paint from adhering to the pavement. To avoid this problem, shut down your sprinkler system a day before, and if you have washed your parking lot, then wait until traces of moisture are dry. Check the weather forecast before carrying out line striping. Furthermore, avoid line striping a couple of hours after or during fog, rainfall, snowfall, and ice storms.

Professional Services

While line striping may sound like a simple enough project, it is best to leave this job to the professionals to avoid any overruns or mistakes. Hire an expert paving contractor for long-lasting, precise, and ADA-compliant line striping that can prove to be a great return on your investment.

PowerSurge Plus LLC offers expert line striping and pavement marking services at affordable rates.

Get a quote for your parking lot striping project in Levittown, PA,