Nov 17, 2022

Key Takeaways:

  • Inspecting the surface for any cracks or holes is the first step you should take. These need to be filled and sealed before applying the asphalt sealer.
  • You must also remove any dirt, debris, or oil, as that could prevent the asphalt sealer from bonding properly.
  • After you’ve applied the asphalt sealer, it’s essential to let it dry completely before walking or driving on it.
  • Depending on the temperature and humidity, this can take anywhere from 24 to 48 hours.
  • It’s best to leave any significant repairs and maintenance tasks to professionals, as they require special equipment and materials to be fixed correctly.

As the colder days of fall approach, it’s essential to start thinking about how you can prepare your property for winter. Some of the crucial things you can do are seal coating and crack sealing your asphalt pavement. Sealing the asphalt paving will help keep out water and debris, which can damage and discolor the surface over time.

It helps protect your pavement from cracking in harsh cold weather. It’s always recommended that you contact a professional asphalt contractor beforehand to save time, money, and effort in the long run.

However, if you’re unsure about preparing your asphalt pavement for seal coating and crack sealing before winter, let’s discuss some vital information to help you out.

Ways To Prepare Your Asphalt Pavement for The Winter

Inspect The Asphalt Surface

Inspecting the surface for any cracks or holes is the first step you should take. These need to be filled and sealed before applying the asphalt sealer. If there are large cracks or potholes, it’s best to leave them to the professional asphalt contractor, as they require special equipment and materials to be fixed correctly.

Clean The Asphalt Surface

Once you’ve inspected and repaired any minor damages, cleaning the asphalt comes next. This will remove any dirt, debris, or oil that could prevent the asphalt sealer from bonding properly. You can pressure wash or use a power washer if available. Be sure not to use hot water, as it can damage the asphalt.

Apply A Primer (Optional)

If you’re using an asphalt emulsion sealer, you’ll need to apply a primer to the asphalt. This will help the sealer adhere properly. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the best results.

Seal The Asphalt

Once the asphalt is clean and dry, it’s time to start sealing it. You can use a brush, squeegee, or sprayer to apply the asphalt sealer. Again, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the best results.

Let It Dry

After you’ve applied the asphalt sealer, it’s essential to let it dry completely before walking or driving on it. Depending on the temperature and humidity, this can take anywhere from 24 to 48 hours. Once it’s dry, your asphalt should have a nice, even coating that will protect it from the elements and help it last longer.

Benefits Of Preparing Your Asphalt Pavement Before the Winter

It Saves You from Unnecessary Expenses.

Winter asphalt pavement repair can be quite costly. You can avoid these expenses by preparing your asphalt pavement and sealing any cracks before the winter season.

Reduces Weather Damage

Asphalt pavement is especially vulnerable to weather damage during the winter season. By seal coating your asphalt pavement, you can reduce the weather damage your asphalt will experience.

Improves The Appearance of Your Property

Seal coating gives asphalt a nice, even color that can improve the overall appearance of your property.

Protects Against Future Wear and Tear

By taking measures to protect your asphalt pavement now, you can prevent it from experiencing unnecessary wear and tear in the future. This will ultimately save you money in the long run.

Things To Consider Before Preparing Your Asphalt Paving for Winter

The Condition of Your Asphalt Pavement

If your asphalt is in good condition, you may only need to seal coat it. However, you will need to repair those areas before seal coating if there are cracks or other signs of damage.

The Weather

You will need to check the weather forecast to determine the best time to seal coat or crack seal your asphalt pavement. You should avoid doing these things when it is raining, or the temperature is below freezing.

Your Budget

Seal coating and crack sealing can be costly, so you must factor that into your budget when deciding whether or not to prepare your asphalt for winter.

Materials To Be Used

When seal coating your asphalt, you must choose between an asphalt emulsion or a coal tar sealer. Asphalt emulsions are less expensive and easier to apply, but they do not last as long as coal tar sealers.

To crack seal your asphalt, you must purchase a crack filler and a crack sealer machine. The type of crack filler you choose will depend on the size of the cracks in your asphalt.

Tools you will need to seal coat or crack seal your asphalt pavement include:

  • A broom or leaf blower
  • A garden hose
  • A pressure washer (optional)
  • A squeegee
  • A paint roller (optional)
  • A crack sealer machine
  • A crack filler

Instead Of DIY, Hire A Professional Asphalt Contractor.

Suppose you ever feel that asphalt pavement maintenance and seal coating are overwhelming tasks. In that case, it’s always best to hire a professional asphalt contractor.

Professionals have the experience and understanding to get the job done right the first time. They will even help you troubleshoot any problems that may arise.

Why Are Seal Coating and Crack Sealing Important?

Seal coating and crack sealing asphalt are essential because it protects your asphalt from the elements and helps to prolong its lifespan. Asphalt is a porous material susceptible to water, sun, snow, and ice damage.

Water is one of the biggest enemies of asphalt. When water seeps into asphalt, it can cause the asphalt to crack and crumble. Cracks in asphalt allow water to seep in, accelerating the deterioration of the asphalt.

Sunlight can also damage asphalt, causing it to dry and become brittle. Snow and ice can also cause damage to asphalt by expanding and contracting as they freeze and thaw.

Seal coating creates a barrier between your asphalt and the elements, helping to protect it from damage. Seal coating also helps fill in small cracks and holes, preventing water from seeping in and causing further damage.

Here’s some more information about seal coating that might interest you.

Crack sealing is another essential asphalt maintenance task. It helps to prevent water from seeping into cracks and causing them to widen and deepen. Moreover, it also helps to prevent snow and ice from getting into cracks and expanding, which can cause even more damage.

Winter is one of the most challenging times of year on asphalt pavement. The combination of snow, ice, salt, and cold temperatures can cause severe damage to asphalt. Protecting your asphalt paving before winter by taking the necessary steps protects your investment and ensures that you avoid costly repairs later on.

PowerSurge Plus LLC offers extensive asphalt maintenance and repair services in Philadelphia, PA, for both commercial and residential avenues. Get a free quote today to learn more!